Learn how to be with others.
Request a Family Counseling Appointment

Whether you have a traditional or blended family, getting along can be a challenge. We help families learn to manage conflict and big changes. Our clinicians help understand death and divorce. We can bring meaning to big moves and the struggle of military life.
Finding a good counselor that can manage the silence or the chaos is key to successful counseling. SkyeHelps clinicians can identify the underlying issues and develop strategies to help everyone get along better. Now is the time to ask for help! Not when things become unmanageable or dangerous!
Modes of family counseling often include traditional talk therapy but also include games, acting, role-play, and other methods that are helpful in the process, especially when children are involved. Parents and guardians provide an example of how to think, feel, and act, which helps the children understand what is expected of them. Parents often learn as much from the children as the children learn from the parents.
Sometimes, there is one individual in the family system that is identified as the “problem,” however, we generally find that each person in the system contributes in some way to the undesirable behavior. Discovering these behaviors is often fun and very enlightening. We are even able to engage the teenagers, which is a miracle!
Your family is not “too broken” or “too crazy” for counseling. All genders, races, and family situations are welcome in our office. Call Skye today to set up a free consultation.
Find us in town or online!
Find the SkyeHelps private counseling offices on the second floor of the Sargent Building on the Square.
72 Public Square N., Ste. B
Dahlonega, GA 30533